Windows Media Player 11, codenamed Polaris, features many changes. The Media Library is now presented sans the category trees which were prominent in the earlier versions. Rather, on selecting the category in the left pane, the contents will appear on the right, in a graphical manner with thumbnails - a stark departure from textual presentation of information.
Other features include:
Stacking - Stacking allows graphical viewing of how many albums you have in a specific category of music. The more items you see in a stack (category), the larger the pile.
Word Wheel - Searches and displays results as characters are being entered, without waiting for Enter key to be hit. . Results are refined based on further characters that are typed.
CD Burning - CD Burning now shows a graphical bar showing how much space will be used on the disc.
URGE - The new music store from Microsoft and MTV networks is integrated with the player.
Global Status - Global status shows a broad overview of what the player is doing. The information presented include status information regarding buffering, ripping, burning and synchronization.
Although a firm release date for Windows Media Player 11 has not been announced as of yet, an unsourced article claims that Microsoft is planning a Public Preview Beta of Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP on 17 May 2006 with a final release coming in June 2006. Please note that Windows Media Player 11 for Windows XP was leaked on to the net on 12 May 2006. Windows Media Player 11 will also be included in Microsoft's upcoming Windows Vista operating system when it is released in late 2006 (for businesses) or early 2007 (for consumers); the Vista version will include some features not found in the XP version, though Microsoft hasn't said what those features will be. However, as a result of a European antitrust ruling, Microsoft will also be required to produce "Windows Vista N" editions which do not include Windows Media Player for the European Union market.
NOD32 adalah salah satu antivirus yg mantap sudin rudin..
Tidak memakan RAM seperti Norton dan Bitdefender, NOD32 merupakan antivirus yg perlu dimiliki setiap komputer...
Dengan update sehingga 3 4 kali sehari, NOD32 memang bleh dinobatkan sebagai antivirus terbest tahun nie.
NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the-art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running various platforms from Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP, through a number of UNIX/Linux, Novell, MS DOS operating systems to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers. Viruses, worms, trojans and other malware are kept out of striking distance of your valuable data. Advanced detection methods implemented in the software even provide protection against the future threats from most of the new worms and viruses. The fourth generation of the NOD32 Antivirus System features a fully integrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detection track record, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources.NOD32 Anti-Virus is a stand-alone on-demand virusscanner, including the latest virus signature database updates. It can detect viruses, worms, trojans and other malware and has very good cleaning capabilities, an unprecedented detection track record, fast scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources. NOD32 Anti-Virus can also be used to clean up an infected system or as a second-opinion for your current virusscanner.
Key Features Include:
* Centralized management of the resident antivirus modules and filters.
* Intuitive directory tree style system for easy access to:
-Automatic, internet/LAN Update module
-Centralized system of log files for all installed modules
-AMON - resident on-access monitor
-NOD32 - on-demand scanner
-IMON - Internet monitor - scans e-mails incoming via the POP3 protocol
-EMON - complementary e-mail scanner module - scans e-mails incoming via MAPI interface (details below)
-Flexible task scheduler and planning module
-Quarantine directory
-Key system information
Changelog of version 2.51.26:
- fix for CVE-2006-0951 vulnerability exploitable by local users to gain escalated privileges
- fix for MUI (Multilingual User Interface) on 64-bit OS
- fix for .NET applications
- fix to active mode on 64-bit OS
- changes to the server balancing system
Apo tue..
BBB ( Bandar Baru Bangi )... huhuhuhuhuh..
Tepat pkul 7 td, aku sampai kat BBB dengan membonceng bas Durian Burung yg bertolak pkul 11.30 semalam..
Xsampai seminit aku kat Hentian Bas Jalan Reko, Fahmy sampai dengan bersluar pendek ( nasib baik naik keta ) menjemput aku...
Sampai je umah Fahmy trus aku menidurkan diri... Wakakaakkak..
Ngantuk gila.. Tido sejam je atas bas..
Esk baru nak bertolak pg umah Tuan Jeneral yg nak kahwin..
Kepada peminat peminat Tuan Jeneral, jgn risau, aku akan memasukkan gambar² majlis perkahwinan beliau..
Ok aa.. Aku nak sambung tido balik...
Citer yg agak sama dengan cita swing girls..
tapi kali nie pasal berenang plaks..
Lawak Lawak bodo..
Kisah lima kekawan Suzuku, Sato, Ohta, Kanazawa ngan Saotome yg nak try blajar berenang.. Tapi mcm mcm benda jadi time nak blajar berenang tue.. Kawan kawan ejek lah, tempat training x dak lah, cikgu penasihat cuti bersalin, macam macam lagi aa..
Aku ske aa baca pasal nie..
Nie aku amik dari forum jiwang..
Saper yg membesar tahun 80-an mesti terkenang je zaman dedulu..
Kita membesar dgn menonton G-Force, He-man, Transformers, Thundercats, Silver Hawk, Woody Woodpecker, Alvin & The Chipmunks and. not to forget Ninja Turtles, Mask, Smurfs dan Voltron, n GABAN (Wa ta tau wa ta tau GABAN!!!) pastu time tu TV2 ada TV pendidikan sebelum diorang start siaran lam kul 3 ptg.
#berus gigi time waktu rehat kat skolah rendah? Van Colgate datang sekolah. mesti pegang cawan warna-warni. mencangkung kat tepi parit dgn classmates semua kat seblah.
#ingat tak, misi kat skolah msk kelas dgn list dentist appointment. pastu bunyi gigi member kite kene gerudi kat bilik sebelah. ada gigi yg berlubang, kene la tampal.
#ni sure korang igt. program minum susu di skolah. nak galakkan budak2 time tuh minum susu. skotak 30 sen jek
#cikgu2 kalau nak denda, mesti guna pembaris panjang warna kuning tu. pukul tapak tangan.
#semangkuk mi sup ke, mihun sup ke, 30 sen jek kat kantin.paling luxury nasi ayam goreng 50-60 sen. Ada Rancangan Makanan Tambahan (RMT) untuk Budak2 dari family susah. Then balik sekolah, apek jual aiskrim 20 sen sudah tunggu.
#Hankyu Jaya, Yaohan, shopping complex yang popular utk meluangkan masa dgn family.
#time skolah menengah, korang sure beli kasut skolah Bata BM Turbo atau Pallas Jazz. ada yang suka kasut high-cut yang buatan china tu...ada yang suka stoking tebal laaa...
#internet? email? mendalah ape tu? CD? ape tu? kaset tape penah laa dgr. tiket wayang pun 5 inggit je.
#kite pegi kedai runcit, beli Chickerdis, Mamee , KumKum, UFO, TORA, Ding Dang chocolate balls yang ada mainan kat dlm die, 'telur' keras warna warni, 'rokok' chewing gum, KIKI Bubble Gum. tak dilupakan, 'Ti Kam'.
#bile dah abih exam, main Monopoly la, Donkey , Happy Family dlm class. Lagi satu yang seronok mase time Pendidikan Jasmani, PJ. main bola or main rounders or main guli, Galah Panjang, penutup botol, batang aiskrim, 'Pepsi Cola one-two-three', 'Police & Sentry', kejar2 duduk...
#kita hilangkan dahaga dgn aiskrim 10 sen. yang tube aiskrim, ada byk2 color tu. kalau nak makan, kene patahkan kat tengah2 die!
#Ok skang budak2 kat university skarang, kebanyakan nye lahir thn 1987/88. skarang digelar 'remaja'.
#bagi diorg, diorg mane penah dgr lagu 'We Are the World, We Are the Children...' dan lagu 'Uptown Girl' yang diorg tau, yg Westlife nyanyi....bkn Billy Joel nyanyi...kalu tanya sape New kid on the block atau Gun n roses confirm diorang tak tau.
#bagi diorg, ada satu je Jerman kat dunia ni, dan ade satu je Vietnam.
#AIDS wujud sejak diorg lahir. CD pun wujud time diorg lahir.
#Michael Jackson dah putih dah time tu.
#Diorg percaya Spiderman dgn Incredible Hulk tu filem2 baru.
#Diorg tak bley bayangkan skrin hitam putih utk sebuah komputer.(long live Wordstar!!)
#Diorg tak penah tau pun TV game 'Pong' or 'Atari' or 'Game & Watch'.
#diorang tak percaya sumber hiburan kita dulu only RTM 1, RTM2 ,TV3 n radio je.(Drama Minggu Ini,More Jutaria, n ALAM RIA CUTI SEKOLAH kat TV3)
#dan diorg tak paham macam mane kite boleh survive dkt universiti tanpa handphone
#OK now .jom kite check, kite ni dah tua ke:
1. korg paham ape yang korang baca kat atas ni, dan korg sure tersenyum
2. kebanyakan member2 skolah menengah kite dah kawin
3. korg sure pelik bile nengok bdak2 kecik main komputer, selamba je
4. kita geleng kepala bile nengok bdak2 skolah menengah guna handphone
5. kita dah tak byk sembang2 dgn member melalui telefon lagi setiap hari
6. bile jumpe member lame dari semasa ke semasa, seronok bile bersembang pasal cerite2 lame, cerite2 kelakar yang kite alami mase dulu time kecik2, nakal2 dulu...
7. last skali, bile dah bace message ni, korang akan terpikir nak forward message ni ke rakan seangkatan dengan korang.
"so, i am... getting older all the time ..but feeling younger in my mind...." (GOLDFINGER 's song 'Superman')
memang betul.....teringat zmn mudo mudi dulu..huhuuhuhuh
Kali nie aku nak post gambar bebudak blog...
Tapi gambar t-lo ngan fahmy xder sgt..
Adeh.. Kede gambar btul..
klik klau nak tgk gambar besar
Dari kiri adam, kibab, moll, lepas tue x perasan sapo.. yg berdiri tue jimy bang..
nie plaks gambr time pg KLIM..
ujung skali, aku, jimy, fahmy, amin, aidi... tentera² abrahah..
nie gambar spesel..
aku curik..
gambar fahmy ngan sarah masa kecik kecik dulu..
Gambar fahmy nanti aku curik.. OK
Sambungan My Boss My Hero, dengan jalan citer yg agaks sama..
Tapi kali nie, Du-Shik kena pg Kolej plaks... Du-Shik jadi cikgu plaks..
Adeh. TeRokk.. Pagi jadi cikgu, malam jadi gangster..
Nak jadikan citernya plaks, Otai besar a.k.a ayahanda Du-shik nie pelajar kt
skolah yang dia mengajar plaks.. Cam na tue?? Boss besar jd anak murid, anak buah jadi Cikgu??
Pening, pening.. Movie yg padat dengan Lawak, Serius, dan Sedih..
Rugi kalau tgk My Boss My Hero x tgk citer nie..
lagi lagi screenshot..
Wah Wah Wah..
Aku nak post drama jepun plaks..
Jap, pembetulan, aku xder post lagi citer cine, so, jgn cakap aku minat citer cine...
Citer pasal Halu @ Kimura Takuya, seorang pemain hoki ais..
Heroin dia plaks Aki @ Takeuchi Yuko..
Citer nie agak jiwang, sedih, lawak.. So aku xnak citer bebanyak, nanti kena kutuk..
Baca jer sinopsis BI tue.. Wakakakaka
nie ha screenshot ngan sinopsis BI..
Kimura is the captain and star player of an ice hockey team, who is greatly respected by his teammates. For him, hockey is serious business that fully occupies his mind, while he treats romance as if it were a game.
Yuko is a typical businesswoman, and is waiting for her boyfriend to return from studying architecture abroad. At this point in time however, he shows no sign of coming back. One day, Yuko's friends who are determined to find her a new boyfriend, invite her to watch an ice hockey game. There she sees Kimura for the first time.
After the game, Yuko and her friends join the players for a party celebrating their victory. Yuko, however, is not so excited to be there. When she leaves the party, she bumps into Kimura, who was slightly injured from a fight. They exchange e-mail addresses and part.
The sparks of mutual attraction are ignited in a second encounter between Yuko and Kimura, arranged with the help of her friends shortly after a party.
Sato has come as a replacement for the team's coach who has been hospitalized. Kimura has a lot of respect for the hospitalized coach. Unfortunately though, he can't stand Sato's way of doing things. Bringing with him a lot of coaching experience from overseas, Sato criticizes the former coach's strategies. Whenever Kimura and Sato see each other, they get into a quarrel—consequently influencing Kimura's behavior during games.
Seeing that his game ended in a brawl, Yuko visits Kimura to comfort him. But he tells her that she is being too friendly with him.
Yuko is hurt, Kimura is irritated, and his teammate Sakaguchi can't stand seeing Kimura like this...
kali nie cito pasal Full House plaks..
layan giler..
dibintangi Rain ngan Song Hye-Kyo..
aku abih download dulu, pc aku akak² ngan adik² aku pegang jer..
diorang nak tgk bagi abih dulu..
tension gaks aku.. sampai 4 5 kali ulang..
seperti biasa aku mesti letak screenshot ngan sinopsis skit..
Han Ji-eun lives alone in the house that she inherits from her parents. Her parents named the property 'Full House.' She has two close friends who end up selling the house behind her back to Lee Young-jae. Through a series of incidents, the two make a contract to marry, so that Ji-eun can stay in the house that her parents built. Although not in love with each other when they marry, a love between them develops slowly over time. The feelings of love are constantly interrupted by Gang Hye- won, Young-jae's love interest for quite some time and by Yu Min-hyeok, a man that Han ji -eun likes.
Disebabkan terlalu boring ari nie.
aku pn bermain dengan userbar nie..
besh gak buat benda nie.
nak try??
nie kalau dah campur semua skali.. huhu
Citer korea pertama aku tgk, pastu terus minat..
huhuh.. citer yang dapat best asian filem.. layan giler..
citer yang lawak, layan, pastu sedih..
amat besh..
hero dan heroin my sassy girl,
jeon ji hyeon,
cha tae hyeon...
nie aku kasi screenshot ngan sinopsis (BI) skit
Gyeon-woo is a single Korean college student, still not very sure of what he wants to become in the future. One night, on his way back home, he meets an extremely beautiful girl, but who is also completely drunk. Because the girl talked to Gyeon-woo before falling unconscious, the people surrounding them begin to think that the girl is Gyeon-woo`s girlfriend. Having no other choice than helping the girl, he decides to leave her in a motel, since he doesn't know were she lives. The next morning Gyeon-woo gets a call from this mysterious girl who is very angry about him and wants to know everything that happened the past night. She tells him to meet her right now at the exit of the metro. Gyeon-woo thinking about this, decides to go see the girl. From that night, Gyeon-woo and the girl will become good friends, in a strange sense. As the relation progresses, Gyeon-woo begins to discover how crazy the girls really is, with all her wacky behaviors, angry attitude and always wanting him to please her the way she wants, even if it mean that Gyeon-woo will pass for a complete idiot in public places or gets beaten by the girl. But even if Gyeon-woo suffer, physically and mentally, he really thinks that this beautiful girl will have some sorrow in her and he really wants to help her to get better. But at what price?
Citer baru aku download td...
Besh macam My Boss My Hero..
Nie sinopsis skit dalam BI
Review, komen:
Durasi: 1jam 55min 10saat
Tahun: 2005
Video Codecs: DIVX
Audio Codecs: Mpeg Layer 3
Bitrate: 128kbps
Info lain:
Language: Korea
Subtitle: Malay
Disc Format: DVD-Rip
Video Format: DIVX
Released Date: 2005
Cast: Shin Hyun-Joon, Kim Won-Hee, Kim Soo-Mi
Mrs. Hong, the big boss of a powerful mafia group gives a mission to her three sons to find an elite daughter-in-law for her first son, In-Jae. In-Jae finally crashes into a beautiful lady, Jin-Kyung, who looks to be his soul mate. In-Jae is head-over-heels for Jin-Kyung. However, he finds out that Jin-Kyung is a prosecutor and the family seems to be in big danger!
wah wah wah...
Muse dah kuarkan album baru..
besh giler...
matt bellamy memang mantap sudin aaa
lagu lagu yg ada yg dalam album ..
1.Muse - Take A Bow
2.Muse - Starlight
3.Muse - Supermassive Black Hole
4.Muse - Map Of The Problematique
5.Muse - Soldier's Poem
6.Muse - Invincible
7.Muse - Assassin
8.Muse - Exo-Politics
9.Muse - City Of Delusion
10.Muse - Hoodoo
11.Muse - Knights Of Cydonia
Biar Jasa Jadi Kenangan...
Hijau Kuning Lambang Kemegahan..
Jelapang Padi Tempat Sanjungan
Negeri Kedah Darulaman